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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes lime hemp insulation environmentally friendly?

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How does the installation process of EXIE insulation work?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla consequat erat non justo laoreet, eget eleifend leo fermentum. Sed auctor lectus ac neque ultricies, quis accumsan nunc ultrices.

Are there any financial benefits to EXIE insulation?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla consequat erat non justo laoreet, eget eleifend leo fermentum. Sed auctor lectus ac neque ultricies, quis accumsan nunc ultrices.

Where can Exie products be purchased?

Exie insulation materials are distributed through wholesalers. For more information, please refer to our partner page. Would you like information about our semi-finished products? Let us know how we can help you at

What is meant by a "healthy indoor environment"?

A healthy indoor climate in a building is determined by: Stable indoor temperature Stable humidity around 50% Toxin-free air Alkaline atmosphere Comfortable noise control Low CO2 level

What are the benefits of bio-based building?

For thousands of years, we have built our homes using what nature provides. Many of those buildings are still standing after hundreds of years. What our ancestors did was good for nature and good for humans. About 80 years ago, man invented synthetic building materials, most of which came from gasoline or minerals. The motivation was money and time without regard for nature, health and our well-being. We are now changing this by proving that nature is perfectly capable of providing us with building materials and that we can use them again to build houses and buildings that will last hundreds of years and be good for nature and man.

Ready to build a sustainable future together?