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Privacy policy

Our commitment to privacy

I. Explanation

This Privacy Policy is based on Article 13 of the General Regulation
Data Protection and contains the company's rights and obligations towards external individuals whose personal data it processes mainly in the context of online sales and marketing of goods and services.

II. Model

This "Privacy Policy" governs the processing of your personal data by the controller: Arne De Winter Bekenholstraat 1, 9550 Herzele. VAT BE 0846.240.866 (Hereinafter referred to as Exie).

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains essential information about how your Personal Data is processed and what cookies are used. By providing your Personal Data on the Website and by providing email addresses on this Website with Personal Data, you declare that you have read and expressly agree to this Privacy Policy, as well as to the processing itself.

Article 1 - General
1.1. Exie complies with the "Law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data", as amended by the Law of December 11, 1998 as well as the anti-spam provisions of Book XII of the Economic Code regarding the "law of the electronic economy".
1.2. Exie, through the present Privacy Policy, also complies with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data.
1.3. The controller of the processing of your personal data is Jan Van Peer. A declaration has been made to the Commission for the Protection of Privacy regarding the processing of your personal data.

Article 2 - Personal Data
2.1. Personal data you communicate to us:

  • Category 1, without registration: your IP address, browsing behavior, origin and search terms;
  • Category 2: personal data ikv application procedure;
  • Category 3: upon registration: when subscribing to our newsletter: your e-mail address;
  • Category 4: via cookies: [see Article 9];
  • Category 5: Your data in response to posting a message via the contact form.

2.2. Exie may collect information from you (Personal Data) in a variety of ways:

  • a. through the use of cookies (see below);
  • b. during your registration and use of the Website;

2.3. The Website also uses cookies that collect some personal data. For the provisions on the use of cookies, see Article 9.

Article 3 - Purposes of processing

3.1. General purposes:
The Company will use Personal Data collected from you only for the following purposes:

  • Category 1: the care and improvement of this Website and the inclusion of Personal Data in anonymous statistics, from which the identity of specific individuals or companies cannot be traced, with the legal basis being Exie's legitimate interests to continuously improve its Website and services;
  • Category 2: Ifv a smooth application process, your personal data will be kept. These will be kept for 1 year if not retained.
  • Category 3: personalization based on newsletter subscription, with the legal basis being your explicit, prior consent; sending you direct marketing, newsletters, actions and promotions, with the legal basis being your explicit, prior consent;
  • Category 4: see Article 9;
  • Category 5: Maintaining your personal data with the legal basis of being able to correctly answer and follow up on your request.

You are not required to release Your Personal Data, but understand that the provision of certain services becomes impossible if You refuse processing.

3.2. Direct marketing:
The personal data will also be used for direct marketing, provided You have given additional express consent ("opt-in").

If you are already included in our mailing list for receiving marketing materials in paper and/or electronic form, Exie may use your information to send marketing and other materials related to Exie, its products and/or services. Exie may use the information you provide to update documents maintained by Exie.

This consent may be revoked at any time, without justification and free of charge by clicking, for example, on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose, at the bottom of each promotional e-mail message.

3.3. Transfer to third parties:
In the event of a complete or partial reorganization or transfer of Exie's business, in which Exie reorganizes, transfers, discontinues its business activities, or if Exie goes bankrupt, this may involve the transfer of your data to new entities or third parties through which Exie's business activities are carried out in whole or in part.

Exie will make reasonable efforts to notify you in advance of Exie disclosing your information to said third party, but you also acknowledge that this may not be technically or commercially feasible in all circumstances.

Exie will not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make your Personal Data commercially available to third parties, except as described above or except with your prior consent.

3.4. Legal Requirements:
On rare occasions, Exie may be required to disclose your Personal Data pursuant to a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. Exie will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance in this regard, unless subject to legal restrictions.

Article 4 - Duration of processing

Personal data will be kept and processed by us for a period of 5 years (which is necessary in function of the purposes of processing and in function of the contractual relationship between the Company and You).

Article 5 - Your rights

5.1. Right of access and inspection:
You have the right to inspect Your personal data at any time, free of charge, as well as the use We make of Your personal data.

5.2. Right of rectification, deletion and restriction:
You are free to communicate or not communicate Your personal data to Exie. In addition, You always have the right to request Us to correct, supplement or delete Your personal data. You acknowledge that if communication or request for deletion of personal data is refused, certain services and products will not be available.

You may also request that we restrict the processing of your Personal Data.

5.3. Right of opposition:
You also have a right of opposition to the processing of Your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.

In addition, You always have the right to oppose the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes; in such case, You do not have to provide reasons.

5.4. Right of free data transfer:
You have the right to obtain and/or transfer to other controllers Your Personal Data processed by Us in structured, common and machine-readable form.

5.5. Right to withdraw consent:
To the extent the processing is based on your prior consent, You have the right to withdraw that consent.

5.6. Exercise of Your Rights:
You may exercise Your rights by contacting Us to do so, either by e-mail to Exie, by mail to Brouwersvliet, 2000 Antwerp or by using the "Contact Us" section of the Website, provided a copy of Your identity card is attached.

5.7. Automated decisions and profiling:
The processing of Your Personal Data does not include profiling, nor will You be subjected to automated decisions by Us.

5.8. Right to file a complaint:
You have the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Privacy Commission: Commission for the Protection of Privacy, Rue du Printing Press 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail:

This is without prejudice to a remedy before a civil court.

If You should suffer damages as a result of the processing of Your personal data, You may bring a claim for compensation.

Article 6 - Security and confidentiality

6.1. We have developed security measures adapted at the technical and organizational levels to avoid the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorized access or inadvertent notification to third parties of personal data collected as well as any other unauthorized processing of this data.

6.2. Under no circumstances can Exie be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an erroneous or unlawful use by a third party of the personal data.

6.3. You must at all times comply with security regulations, including preventing any unauthorized access to Your login and code. You are thus solely responsible for the use made from the Website of Your computer, IP address and of Your identification data, as well as for their confidentiality.

Article 7 - Third party access

7.1. In order to process Your personal data, We grant access to Your personal data to Our employees.

7.2. We guarantee a similar level of protection by making contractual obligations opposable to these employees and appointees, which are similar to this Privacy Policy.

Article 8 - Declaration Privacy Commission

A declaration was made to the Commission for the Protection of Privacy for this processing of personal data. You can always contact this Commission at the following addresses:

Commission for the Protection of Privacy

Printing Press Street 35
1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35

Article 9 - Cookies

9.1. What are cookies?
A "cookie" is a small file sent by Exie's server and placed on Your computer's hard drive. The information stored on these cookies can only be read by Us and only for the duration of the visit to the Website.

9.2. Why do we use cookies?
Our Website uses cookies and similar technologies to distinguish your usage preferences from those of other users of our Website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience when you visit our Website and also allows us to optimize our Website.

Due to recent legislative changes, all Websites targeting certain parts of the European Union are required to ask your permission to use or store cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy gives you clear and comprehensive information about the cookies we use and their purpose.

9.3. Types of Cookies:
We use technologies, such as cookies, to customize content and advertising, to provide social media features, and to analyze website traffic. We also share information about your use of our website with our trusted social media, advertising and analytics partners. [For details - see link to privacy statement.]

Google AdWords - Google Analytics
Exie uses cookies to observe how its website is used and to provide returning visitors with more personalized, faster and more effective access. This website also uses cookies that track what services you may be interested in based on the pages you visit on this website. On the basis of these cookies and with the help of Google's advertising network (Google AdWords, Google Analytics), we can show you ads on other websites for services in which you may be interested. This technique is called "remarketing. These cookies do not contain personal data. If you do not wish to receive advertising based on your browsing behavior and remarketing cookies, such as those from Google, you can change the settings in the Google Ads Preferences Manager. Google also recommends installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Use of the Facebook button
The Exie website contains a button that allows you to promote our website on Facebook. This button works through small pieces of code. This code is provided by Facebook and installs cookies.

Exie has no influence on this process by which cookies are installed by Facebook. Please take note of Facebook's Privacy Statement to find out what your rights are, what they do with your personal data processed by the cookies installed.

The information collected in this way will be anonymized as much as possible. The information will be transferred to and stored by Facebook on Servers in the United States.

Use of Facebook Custom Audience
The Exie website uses the "Custom Audience" pixel of Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ("Facebook") for statistical purposes and market research. The data obtained allows us to make our Facebook activities as effective as possible. For example, we show specific posts or advertisements only to visitors to our website.

The data collected is transmitted only in encrypted form to Facebook and stored by Facebook on servers in the United States. The transmitted data is anonymous to us: personal data of individual users are not visible to us. Facebook will use this information in accordance with its data use policy (see

Data may be stored in a cookie on your computer.

Use of Tracking pixels
Exie uses tracking pixels (pixel tags) on its websites. These are scripts, usually used to check for third-party targeting cookies. If a targeting cookie is present, the script will send a unique ID to the third party's system to report the conversion.

Right to review & correct or delete your data
You have the right to know what personal data Exie holds about you, or if you wish to update or correct any of your personal data that we hold, please see the details in our privacy notice and on our contact page. To avoid misuse, we might ask you for adequate identification. If it involves verification of personal data in conjunction with a specific cookie, you will be asked to provide us with a copy of the cookie in question. You can find it in the settings of your browser.

How long do cookies stay on my device?
Most cookies placed by Exie disappear when you close your browser. Some cookies will remain for a few days, others for several years. You can delete cookies through your browser at any time.

First-party and third-party cookies
First-party cookies are cookies that belong to Exie, third-party cookies are cookies placed on your device by another party through our service. Third-party cookies may be placed on your device by someone providing a service for Exie. Third-party cookies may also be placed on your device by our business partners so that they can use them to deliver advertising to you elsewhere on the Internet for their products and services.

This website uses Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google makes use of cookies. The information about your use of the website, which may be generated thanks to the cookies, is transmitted by Google and stored on their servers. Google uses this information to track how you use the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not combine your IP address with other data in their possession. By using this website, you consent to the placement of cookies and the processing of information by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above. For all your questions regarding the Information and its use by Exie, please contact us at the following email address:

For cookies placed by third parties (a.o. Google Analytics) we would like to refer you to the statements made by these parties on their respective websites about them. Please note that we exercise no influence on the content of those statements, nor on the content of the cookies of these third parties: Google Analytics cookies.

9.4. Your Consent:
Upon your first visit to our Website, You will be asked to accept our different types of cookies. You can allow or disallow cookies category by category. You can change the cookie settings for our Website at any time via the hyperlink at the bottom of our Website and thus withdraw Your consent.

You can refuse the installation of these cookies by choosing "Reject cookies" in the pop-up screen provided for this purpose when using the Website for the first time.

You can also reject or block cookies by changing the configuration parameters of Your navigation system. Disabling cookies may prevent You from using certain functionalities of the Website.

Should you have further questions or comments regarding the processing of Your personal data, please feel free to contact Us either by e-mail to Exie by mail to Brouwersvliet 19, 2000 Antwerp or by using the "Contact Us" section on the Website.

More information about cookies can also be found at:

Learn more about online behavioral advertising and online privacy here: