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The story of EXIE

From farming to building

Exie NV emerged from the fertile soil of agriculture, with Matthieu Hendrickx at the helm, who previously ran a mixed farming operation. In 2014, Hendrickx made a considered decision by bidding farewell to the cows and going full steam ahead into hemp farming. He felt an urgent need to make a difference in the world of sustainable building.

Exie was founded in 2019. It was in the search for sustainable construction methods that Exie NV found its calling. The company resolutely committed to the production of bio-based insulation materials.

In 2023, Exie took an important step by investing in an advanced decortication line, which allowed them to refine their production process and further improve their range of hemplime insulation materials. This move solidified Exie's position as a leading player in the world of sustainable building materials and underscored their commitment to continued innovation and growth.

Through the determination and vision of Matthieu Hendrickx, along with the commitment of the entire team, Exie NV has emerged as a forerunner in the transition to a more sustainable construction industry, with hemplime insulation playing a central role in the pursuit of a greener future.

Our team

Who is behind EXIE?

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Jan Palmaers
Finance, HR & technical support

EXIE's jack-of-all-trades, passionate about keeping an overview and leading projects. His enthusiasm for innovation and love of travel come together in his approach to each project.

Mathieu Hendrickx
Engineering & technical support

EXIE's problem solver, former farm manager, familiar with every nook and cranny. With over 6 years of dedication to hemp farming, he reveals the secrets of this plant species. A bon vivant at heart, both on the plate and in the glass.

Arne Family name
Marketing, logistics & production

Arne, the dynamic force behind production and innovation. As the youngest team member, he brings a fresh perspective on what the "next generation" wants for our planet. He often opens the door in the morning, but at the same time he turns out the lights at night!

Axel Segers
Sales, marketing & support

The driving force behind sales, marketing and support. He skillfully connects our products with customer needs, ensuring seamless collaboration and excellent support.

Ready to build a sustainable future together?